Superstainable ApS

Return within 30 days

It is possible to return your products within 30 days (100 days if you are a newsletter receiver), after you have received it. It just have to be in original shape, packing and not used. 

You can order the return label on this portal. 

If you need a different size, you have to place a new order. If the style you bought were on sale, please contact to get the same price as you bought it for. 

When an return order is received and the refund will be made according to our sales & delivery terms. Please note that it can take up to 14-21 days before the return amount is available at your bank account if you have paid with Apple Pay / Shop Pay / Google Pay. Normally the refund will be at your account within 2-7 days if you have used VISA, Mastercard, Mobilepay or Quickpay. 

If there's any questions please contact us at

And that's pretty much it.

Thanks a ton. 

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  2. Pakkelabel

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