Return Portal Denmark
Hjælp os med at finde din bestilling. Udfyld formularen nedenfor.
Hvis du ønsker at bytte, og din størrelse er udsolgt, vil vi i stedet refundere dig i stedet for at sende et nyt produkt. Retur og bytte betales for i sidste trin i denne returportal. Fortrydelses- og bytteretten gælder i 30 dage fra det tidspunkt, du modtog varen.
Læs mere om bytter og retur her:
Hvis du mangler nogle af disse oplysninger, kan du sende en e-mail til, og vi hjælper dig med at finde de nødvendige oplysninger.
Med venlig hilsen,
Linn og Julia fra ZacZess
Select the items you want to return
We have received the information regarding your return. Please follow the steps below to complete the return.
A copy of the return information has been sent to .-
Download and print
This return document contains both your shipping label and return slip. Please download and print the return document.
Cut along the dotted line to separate the return slip and the shipping label.
Don't have access to a printer?
Simply present the QR code below when handing in your package. The QR code has also been sent to your email.
Don't have access to a printer?
Simply write the numerical code on the package.
Prepare the package
Pack your return items and, possibly, the return slip in your return packaging. Make sure the package is packed securely and according to the carrier's requirements.
Affix the shipping label to the largest, flat surface of the package. Ensure that your shipping label is legible and do not cover the barcode with tape.
Hand in your package
Drop off the package at a parcel shop. Find your nearest here.